Chicken Little (2005)

Chicken Little (2005)

The time period that this was made is kind of being weird for me.

Mayor Turkey Lurkey talks and I think, “oh, they got a Don Knotts sound-alike”, except he was still alive then; that’s actually Don Knotts.

Time-out during dodge-ball and they all whip out flip-phones; well, yeah, they would have in 2005.

I was not expecting to hear Patrick Stewart.

OK, that may be an ancient trope but it’s worth repeating.  Pulling the fire alarm does not set off the sprinklers.  Heat is what sets them off, a small glass tube explodes when the liquid inside reaches a certain temperature.

Spice Girls karaoke??  That was five years out of date, even back then.

Now it’s some kind of weird sci-fi??

So many more names that I like; let’s just end with this.  I kind of wish I could watch a full version of the movie at the end of the movie with Adam West.