The Amazing Spider-Man – # 2 & 3

The Amazing Spider-Man – # 2 & 3

So it turns out that the reason these two episodes are together is because they’re actually a two hyphen parter (allright, I’ll retire the hyphen joke…), so what the heck, I’m counting it as a credit again.

In this episode, one of Peter Parker’s collage professors, for whatever reason, gets some plutonium for his class.  Everyone complains that this is dangerous; but the professor doesn’t listen, so three students decide to prove just how dangerous it is by…stealing the plutonium and building an atom bomb.  The bomb is then stolen by Mr Richbastard, who at first attempts to sell the bomb; but then attempts to extort money by threatening to blow up the president.  In the end, Spider-Man saves the day, etc, etc.

The movie villains were a lot more interesting, instead of being, “I’m already rich; but I want even more money! Nya ha ha! *twirls mustache*”

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

I missed the Stan Lee cameo in 2; I did see him in 1; but I suppose I looked away for a second in 2.  Obviously I saw him in 3.  He’s impossible to miss when he actually talks.

I hate to compare this to Superman 3 but…in Superman 3 you had the good Superman and the evil Superman, then finally the fight between Clark Kent and evil Superman.  In Spider Hyphen Man 3 you have the good Spider Hyphen Man and the evil Spider Hyphen Man, then at the end, Spider Hyphen Man vs Venom.  Luckily the parallels between the two threes aren’t too tight, otherwise Spider Hyphen Man would have had to fight Venom as Peter Parker.

Final rating for the trilogy: hyphen out of hyphen

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

More Spider Hyphen Man! Woo!

So far I’m actually feeling bad for the villains in these.  Interesting.

There’s another Rule of Three here, poor Peter Parker just can’t get himself a snack at the party.

Anyway, I think the takeaway from all of this is that spider hyphen powers require both spider hyphen DNA AND kisses from Mary Jane to work properly.