Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3 (2010)

I can’t believe even this has been 8 years ago already.  But, stuff like this is exactly why I decided to create a blog.  I have movies that have been sitting on the “get around to it eventually” shelf for a decade.

So…I wonder what’s going to happen in Toy Story 4.  4 really doesn’t need to happen; but it’s going to, because money.  But you can’t have a better end to a trilogy than 3.

I hope they don’t recycle Buzz believing he’s real yet again.  It was one of the primary plot points in the original film; but they brought the idea back in some form or another for both sequels.

Oh yeah; It’s a but silly how excited I was to see Totoro.

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Crazy isn’t it?  I watched the first one when it was new; yet I never got around to watching this one until now.

Al trying to sell the toys to Japan is reminding me an awful lot of Dennis Nedry trying to sell the dinosaur embryos to Dodgson.

The prospector may not be trying to kill Woody; but he’s still letting a lot of Sideshow Bob show through.

Star Wars references-a-plenty; well, Jurassic Park too.

Hmm, now the question is do I watch 3 right away, or do I give it another decade? 😛

Goosebumps (2015)

Goosebumps (2015)

I’ve never read a Goosebumps book.  I at least recognized some of the monsters; I remember seeing the book covers back in the old Scholastic book catalogs.

I suppose it’s the musical equivalent to being typecast; but I knew the music was by Danny Elfman almost immediately as soon as it first started playing.

It was interesting how much the R.L. Stine cameo felt like a Stan Lee cameo; that was what tipped me off that it was him.

It’s a bit odd having a fictional story about a non-fictional person.  This almost ends up with a “Wes Craven’s New Nightmare” thing going on, in that I’m now inclined to believe that R.L. Stine’s monsters all escaped in real life and that this movie was written to seal them away again.

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Wreck-It Ralph (2012) If I were to go through and write down all the references I recognized I’d be here all night.  Let’s just say I laughed the hardest at the Wizard of Oz reference. It’s funny how I have an easier time with suspension of disbelief with stories like this, even though I’m a programmer and I know perfectly well that current software is incapable of behaving like this. Maybe once computers are capable of simulating multiple entire brains simultaneously, the digital creatures of the future will be able to go on wild adventures in completely virtual worlds.