Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers

Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers

Hmmm, interesting.  I’m not sure how this will hold up over a long enough period of time.   I have no way of knowing what the ‘clean’ experience would feel like.  I think this depends quite a bit on the viewer already being familiar with quite a large number of referenced works.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)

Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)

Oh boy; due to my massive falling behind in movie-watching, combined with my M-W-F post schedule, time travel occurred and I’ve watched this before it was even released.  😛

There’s too much detail in many scenes to catch everything in one viewing; but I really don’t feel like re-watching this.

Gengar vs charizard; the gengar reminded me so much of Slimer from Ghostbusters and I have no idea why.

I don’t remember where, probably Reddit, spoiled the big reveal of the movie, and it wasn’t done in a way that I could avoid it either…so that’s great.

I bet the game has been spoiled now too.  I need to play the game.

The Kingdom Chums: Original Top Ten (1990)

The Kingdom Chums: Original Top Ten (1990)

I’m sure I’ve seen this before…at a neighbors house 30 years ago; I remember them collecting the gold records; but I don’t remember it being about the Ten Commandments at all.

I guess the animation quality is about on par for the era.

It’s funny isn’t it, how I can go back and forth between watching and writing about things which don’t belong next to each other by any means?