Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

I missed the Stan Lee cameo in 2; I did see him in 1; but I suppose I looked away for a second in 2.  Obviously I saw him in 3.  He’s impossible to miss when he actually talks.

I hate to compare this to Superman 3 but…in Superman 3 you had the good Superman and the evil Superman, then finally the fight between Clark Kent and evil Superman.  In Spider Hyphen Man 3 you have the good Spider Hyphen Man and the evil Spider Hyphen Man, then at the end, Spider Hyphen Man vs Venom.  Luckily the parallels between the two threes aren’t too tight, otherwise Spider Hyphen Man would have had to fight Venom as Peter Parker.

Final rating for the trilogy: hyphen out of hyphen