Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

“How did you get my number?” while a Skype logo is visible on the screen…I don’t really think Skype works that way.

Oh, I wasn’t expecting Whoopi Goldberg.

OK, that’s a bit BS.  April’s father being professor scientist man, who is responsible for everything, is basically just like in that other Spider-Man movie where Peter Parker’s father is professor scientist man.

Eric Sacks feels like a Willem Defoe character.

I really like how Splinter was portrayed here.

So unlike with Spider-Man, I have significantly more experience with TMNT to know whenever they are “screwing up” the lore; but none of the previous material has ever been consistent with each other in the first place, so I don’t object to changes that aren’t stupid; but there are more than a few changes here that are stupid.

Rating: 6 cheese pizza out of 10 cheese pizza.